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Saori Kido · 13 answers · 7y

Gold saints : What do you think of your successor?

Shiryu Dragon · 26 answers · 7y

Would your parents approve of your love interest?

Aderyn Ursa · 15 answers · 7y

So you're having sex with your bf/gf and one of your friends walk in, what do you do? A) Keep going, they can fuck off B) Stop immediately, this is too embarrassing! C) Try to laugh it off (awkward tho') D) Ask them to leave and stop, the mood is ruined

Aderyn Ursa · 13 answers · 7y

What’s something you’ve done while drunk that you would never do sober?

Aderyn Ursa · 16 answers · 7y

Who was your first crush or if you haven't had one before, who is your current crush? ;D

Saori Kido · 19 answers · 7y

If you had to make out with someone other than your lover/Love interest who would it be?

Aderyn Ursa · 15 answers · 7y

If you could switch places with someone for a day who would it be?

Probably Mu, would be interesting to see what he does and how he feels about everything

Aderyn Ursa · 12 answers · 7y

Do you like to exercise?

Aderyn Ursa · 23 answers · 7y

Have you ever fallen in love with someone who didn’t return your feelings?

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