🌺 AnayaOhNo · 8 answers · 2y

🥀 Name something you want to get done in 2022- (you got this!)

I want to (finally) wind up my brother’s affairs - and burn that massive pile of paperwork I’ve had sitting on my desk for over a year!

I want to improve my relationship with food. Keep working on my menthal and economy stability to reach my "goals". Enjoy life more...

Get my friend in Norway to come over if she doesn't come over for Christmas like she wanted to. Because we have a bunch of wrapped presents for her.

  1. Repair my house and get it back to a point where I'm happy with it again. 2. Be more social, take more opportunities for fun. 3. Be on the path or get to chartered in my field. 4. Learn to drive (finally).

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