Mayu · 17 answers · 5mo

Have you ever left because you felt unwanted?

Yes, I've experienced that feeling before. It's tough, but I've learned to prioritize my well-being and surround myself with people who appreciate me.

Yes, I often leave someone when I feel unwanted, and my presence is no longer needed by that person, because I don't want to questioning myself because of that person's act.

Of course. I have left a relationship because I felt someone took me for granted (and that's what I hate the most).

Unbeknownst to me, a sense of being unwanted consistently lingered. Casting its shadow across every phase of my life.

i've never been in this situation. but if that happens, i'll leave without thinking. will not stand by someone who doesn't want me, i know my limits.

mmm no.. i've kind of made it a habit to step away when the pressure's on and i'm not delivering the way people hoped i would. 😵‍💫

Yes, a few times. I’d rather leave them than staying there only to find myself hurting more. I know my worth.

And I will never hesitate to step back the time I already feel replacable. I know my worth and I shall not waste my time.

Few times, I disappeared. Feel like I need to leave first before they leave me

I'm grateful that I've never felt this way, and I hope everyone else doesn't feel this way for the first or umpteenth time either.

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