
"bite-free zone: cuddles only!"

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♥️ · 6 answers · 6mo

guys ajarin aku ikhlas dong..

menurutku ini harus dari kamunya dulu.. tapi kamu gak boleh denial sama perasaanmu sendiri, gak apa-apa ngaku kalau kamu sedih atau kecewa. kamu harus ngerti kalau kadang ngelepas itu lebih baik buat diri sendiri dan buat 'dia' juga. setelah itu fokus sama hal-hal positif! ngobrol sama orang-orang yang kamu percaya juga jangan lupa. it takes time jadi gak perlu buru-buru kok. ;pat-pat;

Reynald. · 1 answer · 6mo

What do you do when you're sad?

  1. take a moment to understand why i'm feeling sad.. jadi pokoknya harus valid-in perasaanku sendiri!
  2. kalau gak curhat ke temen berarti aku journaling..
  3. makan snack kesukaanku sambil nonton. ☝🏻
  4. touch some grass.. 🫳🏻
  5. dengerin lagu {happie song only}
  6. baca webtoon atau main game..
  7. bobo. ~_~
Bian · 19 answers · 6mo

Its my birthday today😳

even though i'm late to the birthday wishes party, i want you to know that the delay in my response in no way diminishes the enthusiasm and warm wishes i'm sending your way.. so happiest birthday, Bian!! may your days be filled with the kind of joy that sticks around like your favorite song on repeat. 💐⭐️

Gerrard. · 2 answers · 6mo

Hi everyone! Before 2023 end, I want to express my gratitude for you. Thank you for being such a wonderful person. I feel so grateful to know such an amazing person such as yourself. I hope next year you'll be a greater person than this year and I hope you can be more happy and healthy next year. Fighting for 2024 and happy new year!

hey, Herschel.. thanks a bunch for adding a touch of sweetness to my retro with your thoughtful wishes! your words mean a lot, and i genuinely hope that every single wish you've put out into the universe finds its way back to you in the most delightful manner. :] keep doing what makes you happy 'cause you've got the whole crew behind you! 💐

Bian · 11 answers · 6mo

Tahun baru malah sakit :(

heeeey aku baru lihat! semoga udah sembuh. 🥺 sesibuk apapun itu jangan lupa makan dan istirahat ya!

Kanaya Graciella. · 6mo

makanan + minuman wajib yang dibeli di XXI/CGV/CINEPOLIS fav kamu apa nih? 😼

aku jujùr gak pernah beli makanannya soalnya selalu makan duluan di rumah (aslam brou) jadi cuma beli minuman.. Milo Dinosaurs!

Mayu · 16 answers · 6mo

Have you ever left because you felt unwanted?

mmm no.. i've kind of made it a habit to step away when the pressure's on and i'm not delivering the way people hoped i would. 😵‍💫

Berlin · 9 answers · 6mo

makanan apa yang ada di pikiranmu pas lagi baca pertanyaan ini?

Bianca · 2 answers · 6mo

how do u guys bear with sadness?

ah it can be tough.. i usually talking with my close pals, dive into a binge-watch session of hilarious shows {and sometimes rewatching PD48 or IZ*ONE shows}, and if the weather's good, a long walk helps clear my head!!

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