Wasserpistole · 10 answers · 3y

What do you think about: Fake it until you make it?

Works only when you're really in your element, else you're just a fish out of the water, making yourself and other unhappy.

Projecting confidence I don't have never made me more confident. Performing feelings has never made me actually have those feelings.

Don't overthink just be! You're mind is capable of so much and the limits you set are the only things that separate you from where you want to be in life >https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/ca/ca1cdf4f9d4580ae2392c3f6998ffaa8.jpeg

Some people swear by it, like my aunt who said it worked for her, but I just can't see myself doing it. I don't like fake anything.

OK, if making it is all that matters to you, or at least more so than whatever faking it does to you inside

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