Wasserpistole · 8 answers · 6y

Please share an unconventional opinion you have?

The western world is becoming more and more undemocratic... and its frightening me :/

Coffee tastes horrible and whoever says he enjoys drinking coffee is a closet masochist.

High heels are prissy, narcissistic and deceiving. There's nothing attractive about them.

And eyeliner just makes people look dead, there's nothing attractive about it either. I never understood why people like it, but I tried really hard yesterday and I think I got a glimpse of how someone could like it, and I realized that it's only because people are so immature and superficial that they don't give half a sh*t about the truth, i.e. what their eyes really look like. They're happy to indulge in appearances and stop asking there.

Russiagate is just as dumb and bad as Pizzagate, worse actually because the average person takes CNN more seriously than Alex Jones.

Sexism almost doesnt play any role in the pay gap between men and women. Actually it isnt even an opinion. It's a fact that is backed up by empirical data

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