Wasserpistole · 11 answers · 4y

A friend is about to cheat on his innocent girlfriend/boyfriend. What would you do?

Tell them I'm no longer their friend. If they can do that to their partner, what are they doing/saying about you behind your back?

Remind them what they’re about to do will have serious consequences whether their SO finds out about it or not.

Nothing, "cheating" is a stupid, immature concept and I don't care about it. Love isn't possessive.

"You're about to cheat on your partner, are you sure about this?" If they are - tbh I'm gonna be disappointed in them (I don't understand why you can't just break things off if you're thinking about cheating).

I suggest to never see that guy again. If he can cheat on his gf then he should not be trusted.

Id say to him: "Handle nur nach derjenigen Maxime, durch die du zugleich wollen kannst, dass sie ein allgemeines Gesetz werde."

I might ask them if they're sure about maybe flushing their relationship down a drain, but what else am I gonna do? If I wanted to run peoples lives I would have kids

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