Andrey · 14 answers · 5mo

What things that makes you feel disappointed the most?

when i tried to tell something i feel proud of/my feelings but they dont even care

Betrayal, rejection, and knowing I have 0 balance in my savings account after reckless spending spree.

The moment when someone promises me something and knows how pleased I will be if it comes true, but then breaks the promise without even providing me with a single closure. Been there few times though 🤏🏻

Segala pengertian, segala usaha, gak dilihat dan gak dihargai. The way mereka sadar aku udah sebegitunya, tapi memilih untuk gak acuh.

When I asked my father for a quality time with me but he always choose his job over me. (Context: he agreed at first—but then he breaks his promise afterwards)

when someone repeating their mistakes & say sorry very often. makin diulang, makin kerasa kecewanya. berasa kyk oh yaudah nothing's new toh dia akan ngulangin hal yang sama lagi gt...

Dibohongin. It really sucks when ppl straight-up lie to my face, ya know? Like .. we're all about keeping it real and honest, and then when someone pulls that fake stuff. It's a major letdown. T ___ T

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