Andrey · 13 answers · 4mo

What kind of best friend you are in a friendship?

If we go to the war, jujur aku bakalan jadi that one teammate yang baru maju ketika kamu butuh aku. I will stand back and cheer u up, "go bestie go bestie go!" But if you're dead, "you touched my friend?? how dare u bastard" is the last sentence you will heard from me. 😭🙏🏻

I’m the kind of friend who will listen to anything my pals have to say. Allow them to rest their head on my shoulder as I listen to their heartfelt tales and hear their tears. giving them emotional comfort and a sense of security.

the mom friend yang selalu kasih advice, yang masakin, yang ngejokiin apapun termasuk hal kecil kayak bukain tutup botol, bukain pintu, nyatokin, pilihin baju, makeupin, dll (bahkan kadang joki bales chat PLEASE 😭). terus aku juga suka pat pat & pelukin temen, jajanin, ADUH BANYAK DEH. tapi kadang aku bisa jadi bocil tantrum juga HAHAHA

THE MOM. will always be the mom! i always making sure everyone is safe even for a little thing they did. my friends often rely on me and i have this kind of "nurturing" vibes (they said). aku suka banget ngelakuin hal kecil juga buat mereka. contohnya elapin noda di baju mereka, benerin even potongin rambut/poni, nyatokin, masakin, anything!!! i surely did everything that makes them happy and safe

The ambivert one! Kadang diem nyimak dan mendengar, kadang juga jadi yang banyak omong.

What kind of friend... Someone who will shower her energy, affection and put her friends well being nicely. I'll make sure my friends are all okay— even though i usually all low maintenance, but i can rest assure that i'll be there if my friends need me. </3 most of them say that i'm the mother of the group type :o (won't argueee)

"Laugh and still didn't understand." Alias aku kalo ketawa dan paham jokes pasti terakhiran. + Youngest, and clingy!

In a group of friend, most of the time “the judger” but also “the talker”. It’s always me who doesn’t know the tea like every time the tea dropped, I’m the last to know. However, my friends will always be willing to tell me what’s going on. Too, that one friend who’s likely to listen to her friends a lot but never find a way to express her feelings properly or such. Well, if I could ever say. ;)

mostly the therapist and listener best friend (irl), but we also share our wounds together (me and my closest friend) so it doesn't really matter—i like being the attentive one, though. jadi yang asbun sambil kirim meme jelek juga sering, BANGET

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