Daniel · 8 answers · 3y

How can people who believe in totally absurd conspiracy theories be convinced that they are wrong?

Strip naked, cover yourself in tabasco sauce, and roll around in broken glass, that will be less painful and more productive than trying to convince those people

You could show them all the proof in the world and they'd probably just say stuff like "yea well science is a hoax so that's not proof"

"Believe" is the key here. You cannot alter a belief since it is a willful or desired state of holding ideas up against all odds or truths.

Suffering and a lot of time. Depends on the topic and what they are doing in that regard.

Spanish flu was also a scamdemic, but they messed up and used the same crisis actors from the black death!

They can't. It's like trying to convince a paranoid schizophrenic there aren't really voices in his head. All you end up doing is reaffirming their paranoid delusions.

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