Daniel · 8 answers · 3y

How comes that cooking is still seen more as a women thing but that basically all famous cooks are male?

idk, I guess cooking as an expected duty of yours for your family is feminized, while cooking to progress your career is not. kinda like, when it's something you HAVE to do versus doing it because you CAN. the latter is a luxury

None of the famous cooks do dishwashing, the simple but dirty service work is always considered womens work and anything where a kitchen knife is used is a male job :D

None of these "famous cooks" could even hold a candle to just how famous and important Julia Child was and is.

That I wonder about most of things.. Painters, writers, scientists, most presidents...it seems power, success and acknowledgement was made for men

Because those cooks aren't cooking as housework. There's a distinction between that and gourmet cooking

I guess the difference is those guys are successful at it and success (plural) is still seen as masculine, regardless of how "girly" cooking is.

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