Daniel · 10 answers · 3y

What's your favourite ice cream?

You know what’s fun? Go to an ice cream place in a foreign country and randomly pick three flavours off the menu. You never know what you’re going to get. I got a truly spectacular cinnamon ice cream once.

I like super creamy textures with a nice crunch. My fave is creamy chocolate gelato with Hershey’s chocolate shell that I keep pouring into it. 😋 rocky road will do, too. And moose tracks ! Ugh... thanks a lot. Now I want ice cream.

Can't choose 😭. I'm still trying to figure out what's my favorite. So that's the reason why I have to eat a lot of ice cream...Different types of course :p

Triple Peanut Butter Cup/swirl, Chocolate Trinity (basically dark chocolate), Pistachio, Cherry Chocolate Chip, Egg Nog, Coffee

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