Daniel · 10 answers · 2y

Did you ever have to be in quarantine?

yes, I had symptoms and trouble breathing on a couple of occasions and it was 'only' pneumonia but I just isolated/quarantined as a precaution before I knew what it was - also there was a case in a hotel I was staying in, on my floor no less, so I self-isolated again, fun times

No, but my sister. That was funny. There was one suspected case of corona were she worked and everybody there had to go into quarantine for 1 or 2 weeks. The funny part was, that everybody who lived with her in the same house, four other people, were allowed to go outside. I still haven't figured the logic behind that one out.

The worst it got here in Florida was that we were only allowed to leave the house for necessities, but it wasn't strictly enforced.

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