Daniel · 10 answers · 2y

Do you dress different than 7 years ago? How has your style changed?

Mostly it has become more various. You might spot me in a suit jacket and dress shoes, or Air Jordans and a hoodie. Seven years ago I was more strict what I would wear. But sometimes I still dress like 7 years ago.

I dress more girl-ish, more body hugging styles and more casual. Also I cut into my shoe fetish and reduced the numbers by 80%. In general I also do show less skin and wear my hair more often open and less stylish.

Yup. 7 years ago I wore a lot of jeans, pants, and cutsie tops. In the last few years, I’ve converted to mainly to dresses.

My style changed in that way that my recent shirt collection is only consisting of tech convention shirts. But otherwise I pretty much wore hoodies and rather dark clothing for a long time already.

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