Daniel · 9 answers · 2y

Do fat people lack willpower?

There is a correlation between those who struggle with delayed gratification and those with higher bmi levels.

I tend to think it's not as simple as that. They're manipulated by the food industry, they're depressed, etc. There are factors at play that act differently on fat people vs thin people that aren't as obvious as the willpower issue. Qafka had an interesting answer to this, but I'd have to see the nature of the actual studies in question to be sure.

Completely personal point of view: either they have more willpower than thin people or willpower does not necessarily relate to excess weight, but to significant and difficult dietary changes.

not necessarily, obesity isn't 100% about what and how much anybody eats, which is what 'lacking willpower' would suggest - I think people's brains are wired to take mental shortcuts and things that are immediately visually apparent (like someone's size or skin color or what have you) are easy/lazy ways to make judgments about people

Rude. No. It’s just that different people are “willful” in different areas.

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