Daniel · 7 answers · 24d

A friend of mine suggested that we both buy boxing gloves and boxing headgear to do sparring with each other for fun. Do you think that's a good idea or is it too dangerous? We both basically have no fighting experience

I'm a total noob who spars but I'd recommend someone with experience to spar with, two noobs might be trouble, for just me I use a heavy bag

I don't think it's dangerous per se, but I wouldn't fancy getting my face bashed in. Why don't you both join a boxing club?

I would guess that boxing is dangerous no matter what your experience or why you're doing it. You don't have to have experience or necessarily to be serious to hit the other person hard, or relatively hard (as you may not have the muscles), in the head. In fact, without the one being hit having experience, the hit is that much more likely to land.

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