Daniel · 10 answers · 1mo

What kind of pictures do you have hanging on your walls?

A combination of space views and ancient maps, like the kind that has California as an island, always been interesting to see what people thought those places look like

I have an Alice in Wonderland (2010) poster on my door, an Alice in Wonderland (2010) keyhole-shaped sticker on my wall next to the door that I got recently, a large stick-on image on my wall next to my bed that's made to look like a hole in the wall showing a picturesque resort outside by some blue water, and a large painting I got from Kirkland's Home that's of a very colorful nature scene with a big tree. I also had a painting of a very idyllic indoor Christmas scene hanging on another wall, but I had to take it down the other year to put up some metal shelves, and I haven't gotten around to putting it back up somewhere else yet.

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