Daniel · 9 answers · 4y

Whats so bad about cloning people?

I'm not sure it's "bad" per se, but something about it doesn't strike me as particularly ethical. It's weird, I'm agnostic, but my instincts are telling me it's wrong because we have no place dabbling in stuff like that. I don't think we'll ever be able to recreate whatever magical shit happens to make us what we are. We'll go wrong somewhere and it'll be a mess. Besides, we already have population issues as it is, we really don't need to be adding to that lol.

In a vacuum, nothing. In the context of a human being's existence, problematic ... right now there are companies and their lawyers in courts arguing that they 'own' a species of plant they genetically engineered and have sued to stop other farmers from growing it, even if the wind just carried some seeds over and they started growing wild. I doubt they would just shrug if, say, their engineered woman got pregnant, they would claim the fuck out of that kid if it were sufficiently profitable to do so. And that's only one example, there are all kinds of fun and unnerving possibilities

I think it's great. I wonder what would happen if I made like 1,000 clones of myself and released them all in the same area

Mostly that cloning could potentially see birth defects or aging problems, as is seen in livestock clones.

My clone prolly ain't gon eat PUSSY like me and I don't want it ruining my reputation

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