Daniel · 10 answers · 4y

When was the last time that you have cried?

Uhhh I was watching Barbie's Princess and the Pauper (I grew up with it and felt nostalgic ok leave me alone) and I teared up watching the scene where the Pauper sang to her barking cat that she loved him just the way he was and he didn't have to change and meow like other cats to be a great cat.

Two months ago when breathing was hard for me and I thought I was going to die alone.

When I first went into the ER a couple of years ago and they told me I needed emergency surgery and they were taking me right up and I was convinced I was never going to wake up and I was alone and in pain, ugh kill me 😞

Hay-fever tears are a daily thing :P Emotionally.... it would have been during my last panic attack.

like last week when I was lying in bed and thinking about my cat who died and my very elderly cat who might die soon

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