Hermes · 9 answers · 2y

If your main OC showed up in PokeMastersEX with a legendary pokemon that symbolised the end of their character arc and showed their growth (like Silver & Ho-Oh/Zinnia and Rayquaza, Lusamine and Dusk Mane Necrozma), what would they have and why?

For Balei I feel like Dusk Mane Necrozma also works for her, other than that I can also see her using Tapu Bulu as it’s the Tapu where she lives!

For Fausto I can see either Volcanion as a nod to him becoming more cooled down but still having that fiery passion to him, that or Victini as a sign of him becoming stronger

Yorra and Darkrai because by then she’d have acknowledged that what they have isn’t so much a curse as it is some sort of shady guardian angel relationship that has saved hers, and others, lives more times than she realized.

First, she wouldn't have a Legendary she'd have a Mythical!! And I haven't played pokemas and I knowwww Lear already has Hoopa but tbh,,, Mel and Hoopa would do an amazing pair because I said so and the pokemon is very very cool.

but legendary??? mmmm
Yveltal I think would be nice? Lugia too because she visits their shrine and leaves offerings very often haha

I'mma have to get back to you on this one lmao. I have IDEAS but nothing set in stone yet. I'll prob have it figured out by the end of the year.

Estella's journey is a tough nut to crack.

Summer with Magnafae and Libelle with Nagathora. They are both Bermilta’s main legendaries. Why? For Summer I hope to unravel things by the end of this year. With Libelle it’s the god of her tribe, she shirked her responsibility to become the chieftain/lorekeeper for Drachtea Valley but ironically ends up being chosen by their god anyway. Nagathora also has to do with the mystery surrounding the disappearance of her biological parents so it’s also a sort of closure thing too.

I'm not a big fan of giving Legendaries to my ocs so the only one I could think of that makes sense is slapping Ho Oh onto Kingston bc of the ancestor lore and his involvement with bringing Ho Oh back to Johto after the events of Zirca. Kingston's character arc = distancing himself from other ppl to 1) protect them 2) bc he doesn't wanna lose anyone else important to him + Ho Oh lore being that it brings things back to life and its tower being a symbol of friendship and hope between Pokémon and people is like bringing that hope back to life for Kingston as well.

For Wily it would be Darkrai.
Despite meeting it as a child and its presence later in his life, Wily would never consider it one of his partners, mostly out of guilt.
Seeing it as an equal and partner is a leap he doesn't make until the end of his story, when he finds it in him to fight as a trainer would.

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