Hermes · 10 answers · 2y

What are your main OC's biggest fear?

Briar is genuinely so scared of people she cares about dying, and even more if they die with things left unspoken. It already happened once and she wouldn't be able to handle it again 💦 I guess she's also afraid of being lonely at the end

Ruth: people she cares about lying to her OTL
Kingston: Losing someone he cares about proceeds to do this to him multiple times
Mira: fucking up the future so badly she can't fix it anymore

Mary has a VERY significant case of pyrophobia. After years of therapy and lots of support from her loved ones she has managed to get it under control, but even then she's still doesn't feel comfortable around open flames.

Odd's an anxious little bundle of deep seated fears in general, but probably one of his biggest is doing something he'd consider unforgivable enough where he'd finally agree fully with the part of his brain that sees himself as a monster/abomination

For Estella's its probably "being ordinary". To her, that'd be having to pack it all up and abandon her dreams only to follow a path similar to most of her siblings - end up somewhere in the business world.

Another one of hers that she won't even realize until A CERTAIN POINT is being alone.

Fausto is afraid of getting his Pokémon hurt, every time he sends his Pokémon out for any battle he always has this huge anxiety of them getting majorly wounded, that’s why he has to plan everything, come up with several back up plans for his back up plans, and be able to come up with plans on the fly, but he puts this persona up front in order to not be seen as “weak”

For Wily it's easily turning out like his father, using his knowledge to create things that hurt others.

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