Alice 💋 · 12 answers · 3y

iPhone or Android, which is your preference and why?

Android is the lesser evil. I hate Apple products because they're basically expensive bloated spywares that don't work well with digital devices of different brands. The company makes it hard for its users to customize, upgrade, or repair their Apple devices. I mean I heard they use some special type of screws in Mac Books so that they can't be disassembled with normal screwdrivers.

Android because I hate apple tbh. Great product and packaging design but purposely making your stuff impossible to work on and designing it to fail is just a total douchebag move...oh yeah and the prices are insane

iPhone. I just really can't stand anything Android-based, and there is no other viable option yet (and probably never will be).

I really miss Windows Phone though!

Was an Android user until my Pixel died. My dad had just upgraded to an iPhone 11 so I was able to take his old iPhone X. Prior to that I was tempted by switching as it would make it easier to de-googlify. I actually found myself not complaining about the iPhone a lot. So when I finally got my Austrian phone contract, I got an iPhone 12 with it.

Honestly idc, I've had both types of phones and have no problems using either once I get past the initial adjustment phase of switching systems. I think people who spend too much time arguing about which is "better" probably have more specific needs than I do and/or are just trying to find something to complain about

Android because I'm one of those people who the first thing I do with a new phone is root it and start figuring out what I can customize and Apple frowns upon the likes of me

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