Alice 💋 · 7 answers · 3y

What's a lesson in history you were never taught in school? The US used to violently quell uprisings during it's occupation of the Philippines.

How the old Nazis were the base of the new republic implemented by the allies in Germany after WW2.

Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma - around 1920 black folks had built their own prosperous, financially independent community, so naturally white folks showed up and burned it down - so when people say shit like 'why don't black people pull themselves out of their situation??' their ignorance is on full display (and that is not the only example)

We're taught that "Islam and Islamic figures good, everything and everyone else bad". Not true.

When I lived in Canada we were never taught about how the white man stole land from the indigenous people. We never learned about the residential school they forced them in to and the abuse they endured. I had to learn about that as an adult and through tiktok. If you can believe it.

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