Alice 💋 · 9 answers · 3y

What's a really outdated slang term you remember hearing, but that's no longer in use? Pepperidge Farms and Alice remember when "butters" was a thing

Lol my friends would call me butters in high school because I was always grounded

Doesn’t really happen here tbh. Just when you think particular slang is done a new generation bring it back. Nothing ever dies.

What did "butters" mean? I only know it as the South Park character. Would be interesting to know where they got the name from...

I remember "rad," "radical," and "tubular."

Eckensteher. This is an very outdated term probably from the 1950s and before. It means unemployed, lazy guys standing at street crossings smoking, annoying people, and behaving like thugs. Literally a person standing at a corner.

I remember my high school friend’s mom telling me that my outfit on that particular day was “tough” and I was so confused. I couldn’t tell if she was complimenting or insulting me. I guess it’s something that was said in the 70’s by Caucasian people? 🤷🏻‍♀️

"Supimpa". I heard it was part of the vocabulary of every Brazilian teenager in the 90s. It means something like "superb"

I can only hint at the term, it began with a c and waa used to describe a Chinese takeaway establishment.

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