Manda. · 11 answers · 1y

Please tell me what's your favourite line from a song!

'Even when you come to me who may look worn out and falling apart on the outside, as I end the shining day, I'm happy because of you everyday.'

Lagi suka ini sih, Kak, "Why am I obsessing about the things I can't control? Why am I seeking approval from people I don't even know? In these crazy times I hope to find something I can cling on to."

i really like this one! "I just have to stay and face my mistakes. But if I get stronger and wiser, I'll get through this." and it's from Glee!

"even if the earth starts shaking, you're the only thing worth taking with me" from pretty boy by the neighborhood. i love how the lyrics express a strong devotion towards someone, where the person is considered as the only important thing to hold onto in a chaotic and uncertain world; a beautiful and poetic way of expressing love

A child dreaming different dreams
every day under countless wishes. Did that child suffer in pain for such a long time to just become me?

When I was a child there was a sea that never dried up in my heart. That place is only left with faint traces

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