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Andromeda Ā· 13 answers Ā· 2mo

If your life has a background music right now, what song would it be?

Milo Ā· 8 answers Ā· 2mo

What slipped into your mind when you see a flower? Is it the blooming love inside you, or is it the thing so-called ā€˜hopeā€™ that blooms the faith you have in life?

i think.. i am on both sides, myo! as i saw the flowers outside, i found myself realising that this place is not that bad to be living in.. flower blooms within the journey of our livesā€” the world is beautiful from another point of view! flowers are also giving me hope to fall in love with life šŸŖ·šŸ¤

tunAa! šŸ˜¼ Ā· 10 answers Ā· 1mo

gusy, disini ada yang punya problem muka jerawat gak? yang jerawatnya beneran udah bertahun tahun..tapi sembuh..itu gimana ya..aku capek udh dr sd sampai kuliah ga ilang ilang. pakai produk gaada yang bisa ngatasin. selain treatment ya!!! kulit aku combi sama jerawatan

halo, tuna! ini.. mungkin case kita berbeda, tapi.. aku pernah kena jerawat hormon tahun lalu di bawah dagu! terus, aku coba konsultasi di halodocā€” dan, alhamdulillah sembuh banget, banget <3 selain ngikutin resep dari dokternya (bukan treatment, kok!), aku juga rajin minum jus tiga diva (2-3 kali dalam satu minggu). terus.. aku enggak makan makanan manis dan berminyak :c ditambah, tidurnya teratur dibawah jam 21.30! oh iya.. untuk skincare, jangan pakai bermacam-macam, ya? cukup facial wash, moist, dan juga sunscreen aja dulu selama proses penyembuhannya, okaaaay? ā™” semangat, tuna!! ā™”

Willie Ā· 1mo

Folbeg aku sekarang juga paham

Mars Ā· 3mo

hebat ya indonesia ini punya penduduk secantik kamu

Little Dove Ā· 4mo

halo. maaf kalau ini tiba-tiba bikin kamu kaget, ya. tapi kamu sempat lewat timeline aku dan aku lihat kamu cantik sekali, begitu juga cara kamu interaksi. kalau dibolehin kenalan, aku mau kenalan dan berteman sama kamu. tapi, aku gak punya akun cyber :sad: tapi, aku harap kamu gak keberatan kalau mau kenalan sama aku juga (yang tiba-tiba ini). hehe, cukup segini saja. semoga harimu menyenangkan, cantik!

yaampun, aku.. malu banget ini (in a good way) 慠慠 baru buka retro sudah dapat pesan yang gemes banget.. 慠慠 halo, halo sendernyim! šŸ„ŗšŸ¤ terima kasih untuk pujian baiknya, ya? MALU BANGET, DEH. 慠慠 dan.. aku mau! aku mau temenan sama sendernya, kok! boleh kirimi pesan lewat DM aku, ya? nanti aku balas! ā™” semoga harinya sender menyenangkan juga di sana! <3

Irina ā¤ļøŽ Ā· 6mo

Kenapa km cantik bgt my Blossom

SUMPAH BARU LIHAT. telat enggak kalau aku jawab sekarang... šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜­

Shanin. Ā· 4mo

hi, follback me

Little Dove Ā· 4mo

Silakan jika demikian. Terima kasih sudah memberikan alasan panjang lebar. Aku tidak kesal, akan aku hargai keputusan kamu. Sekian.

terima kasih banyak, anon! please.. donā€™t mention it! ;) explaining things has never been hard for me, rather than having a miscomprehension! ā˜» sekali lagi, aku sangat berterima kasih karna anon sangat peduli dengan sekitarnya.. semoga malamnya menyenangkan, anon! šŸ¤

Little Dove Ā· 4mo

Mage, aku ingin beri tahu bahwa Wonyoung salah satu yang ikut promote Starbucks yang menjadi target boikot. Di IVE, yang tidak kelihatan ikut promote hanya Liz dan Rei. Sekian.

Little Dove Ā· 4mo

your pics came across my timeline and you're SOOOOO PRETTY. i thought you're jo yuri, soalnya miripšŸ„¹

did it...? I am glad to know it didnā€™t bother you at all, dearest šŸ„ŗšŸ¤ aduh.. tapi.. malu banget ini dimiripin sama jo yuri 慠ā€”ć…  thank you so much for visiting my retro and giving me a compliment, sunshine.. I wish you a lovely day, as lovely as you šŸ’•

Seth. Ā· 20 answers Ā· 5mo

what instantly came to your mind when you heard my name?

ā€œshanshineā€ (aka sasha!), seunghan (semoga bener penulisannya!), jisung.. riize sama omuriize itu sama enggak? pokoknya itu, yaaa :3

Milan Ā· 15 answers Ā· 5mo

What do you think about Milan? :]

milan is the kind of friend that everyone needs.. you welcome everyone, and you know how to appreciate your loved ones. you cherish each of your friends' presences. and, you are so funny! :3 suka asbun, but in a funny way <:3 I think it is hard for you to open up with people, so I am really hoping you can find someone who will be able to provide you with a comfort place where you can lean on them without getting scared of being judged ā™” thus, the conclusion is that I am gladly uttering that I am glad to be your friend, buttercup! šŸ§āœØ

Little Dove Ā· 5mo

have you ever been in traumatizing rls?

I had, sendernim. nevertheless, it means nothing now because I keep receiving lots of love from people in my surroundings, especially from my last ex. I have successfully gotten out of all those traumas while becoming a better version of myself, even to this day ā™” thank you for asking!

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