Arman · 12 answers · 3y

"Poor people are more likely to be religious". What do you think?

  1. it gives them hope
  2. poor people tend to be less educated
  3. poor people tend to be dumber

Nail someone to the floor, hungry, unable to empower themselves, and they're forced to listen to your sermons. No where to go, no way out, of course you're more likely to come to believe what they say than someone who has the freedom to painlessly get up and walk away, without having to tear nails out of their limbs. Poverty is a trap that you are meant to die in, and indoctrination is a tool of oppression.

Interesting graph (I think, I won't generalize anything about any country) Religion &Politics are the messiest of topics. Poverty can be measured in a couple senses (Sometimes no matter how much money you have, there is something that's missing money can't buy)>*GRrTJVoDlv4JMNHmD-FKPQ.png

To be religious needs little income. When you already depend on too many things it seems natural to also depend on gods. To be religious is comforting when there is no other comfort. To be religious makes you part of a community even when you are a lone soul. It is so tempting to do this and pass it on to your kids as a form of successful adaptation to be and stay poor. Also wealthy people might be poor in that same sense.

Hard to say, I can see why thats easy to think, but some people have got very rich off of religion. And a lot of successful people thank their wins to god first.

The undereducated tend to be of poorer socioeconomic backgrounds so yes, probably.

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