Arman · 8 answers · 2y

What do you think of Elon Musk's intent to acquire Twitter?

I hope he does and makes Twitter actually worth using by allowing free speech but I'm skeptical. Right now, Twitter is absolute cancer and unusable. It's nothing but NPCs, shills, bots, attention whores, censorship and government/establishment propaganda. There's no reason to use it. Twitter either needs to be taken over and allow free speech or be shut down.

If Musk buys twitter he controls the main source of information for the planet. So when he launches his full scale galactic takeover of earth, we'll never know what hits us. I'm only half kidding ☺️

How else would you call out for neo genesis evangelion settlers and squatters for Mars? When they looked for settlers in South America they bought newspapers to advertise!

Some people think it's a good thing, some people think it's a bad thing. I don't know. My only thought is that it's often the case that once a successful company is acquired by someone else, they promptly ruin it.

I hope he does it. I'll get my account back and go straight back to bullying the men folk.

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