Arman · 8 answers · 2y

What is your favorite line of poetry that you often recall?

"Get outta my dreams, get into my car"

Except when I recall it? Instead of a narrator talking to a love interest it's just me, and I'm talking to Freddy Krueger.

'I hate and I love. You may well ask, why I do so. I do not know, but I feel it and suffer.'

“I'm afraid that sometimes you'll play lonely games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you.”

It's Dr. Seuss, but I say it counts. In fact, it counts double

Hevjið í homrum
harðmælta kvæðið,
villu valkyrjur
veiti mær vørn.
Fram móti Sigmundi
skip hansar sorandi,
land honum forðandi,
fram móti kristni
kirkjurnar brótandi,

“I want to do with you what spring does to the cherry trees.” ~Pablo Neruda 🌸

"You live accompanied by weal

In your all-narrow fold,

Whilst in my boundless world I feel

Both deathless and death cold"

German poetry queen Ulla Hahn many years ago wrote a poem about a former lover which contains this sentence: Meine Brüste, schöne Hügel, ruhe sanft! In English this can be clumsily translated to: My breasts, beautiful hills, rest in peace. I recall that often. Especially since my ex left me. The sentence is subtle when you think about it.

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