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Arman · 10 answers · 1y

Is it good or bad news if we find out aliens exist?

As if that would change peoples behaviour for the better. It would be used as an argument to even increase the madness I guess. But finding out that there are aliens is not the same as they are here. The former is almost certain. The latter is almost impossible.

I think the only bad side of it would be our own reaction to it as a society. I'm not sure what would happen, but there could be chaos. I don't think the aliens would likely be malevolent - I wrote about that here:
I also think there's ample evidence that aliens are already visiting us (and, I think they probably have been for a long, long time) - I wrote about that here:

bad - half the population will try to destroy them, the other half will want to have sex with them, no one will listen to what they want

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