bella · 8 answers · 1y

Do yall have any suggestion on how to cope with social battery that nearly died?

biasanya aku gak buka sosmed dulu sih. habisin waktunya nonton Netflix sama doing my hoobies! helps a lot

Sleep is the best way to recharge. Selain itu, cari tempat nyaman terus bengong 5 jam. It works.

Depends if you're an introvert or an extrovert...? 🤔 Kalo introvert biasanya suka me-time, kalau extrovert hangout sama temen-temen deket, mungkin? Gimana?

Avoid activities that involve engaging in extensive social interaction, and simply stay in the room for as long as necessary.

I just stay in my own room for days, no interaction with anyone, and doing some fun activities all alone

I'm also very bad at it ... The only way i can cope is to drink water a lot and lock myself for a day or more.

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