Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

nayaya :3 · 13 answers · 8mo

eummm bff retroo. how was your may so far :/? mau ngobrol aja sama kaliann :3

Hi, dearest! Apologies for the tardy reply, but my May was very much a concerning scenario where I can't wait for the month to finally end. It was an exhausting back to back struggle, which I thought I wouldn't be able to withstand. But glad we made it to mid June. I hope your days always treat you kindly ya! 🤍

I am a month late but it was busy like usual. I managed to pass some hard task given by my professors and going out more.

May has been really packed for me! Tapi urusan-urusanku akhirnya hampir selesai semua buat bulan ini. 🥰 How was yours, Athena?

I practiced a lot this month which makes me feel a bit productive… the end of the month will be my last day of exam so I’m looking forward to it, but overall, it’s an interesting month! So many good things happened and I hope so too for the next one <3

Mmmm lagi padet banget, ini baru bangun udah dikasi tugas baru lagi💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️

haaaa menyenangkan banget karena itu anu itu. >_< kamu gimana, ada momen paling berkesan, gak?

meiku hancur bjir... ga enak... ga suka... tapi ada one reason yang bikin aku happy sih (rahasia) 🤭🤭🤭 KALO MEI KAMU GIMANA CAYANG

hai athenayaaa! my may was so so :] aku banyak dirumahnya. hbu? cerita juga dong 😆

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