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Saint Lady · 11 answers · 2mo

Describe your type.

Lotta. · 2 answers · 9mo

do you have favorite habit/activity that fondly growing up in you during 2023?

Lotta. · 2 answers · 9mo

what's your favorite coffee to go when you are at coffee shop? if you dislike it, what drink you usually buy?

Basic coffee latte with no sugar or less sugar, Pandan or palm sugar are good too. Matcha plus espresso are fine but sometimes at diff shop tasted like gerd medication. I obviously banned caramel latte, machiato, vanilla or cookies & cream 😭 It just tasted weird with coffee..

Lotta. · 4 answers · 9mo

always follow your heart or always follow your head? any reason you pick that?

Intuition comes from heart or head? I just know when it feels right, i'll do whatever i want.

Lotta. · 7 answers · 9mo

what song you play by yourself but never with other people?

Oscar · 4 answers · 9mo

Would you mind sharing your dream career with me?

Owner of an Art Space 💁🏻‍♀️ I wanna be that artsy auntie who dressed full in local brands and hosting art exhibition or offering free art course that accessible to lots people💗 Art Courses are cheap as heck, but merch? capitalism 🤪

Oscar · 5 answers · 9mo

It is our responsibility to keep others' trust in us. If your lover betrayed your trust once and you both ended up becoming strangers to each other like the first time you met, in another life, if you had one more chance, would you go back and love your ex again or go and move on?

in another life i would strangled his neck before he doing stupid things and knock some his sense. 🤍 but in all seriousness i once back with my ex but i dont think we could mend the trust that already broken. it just.. doesn't goes well.

Saint Lady · 9mo

Menurut kamu seruan gym apa pilates?

Gym buat nyalurin emosi atau marah tapi kalo pilates kan elegance yah, biasanya kalo mau nangis mending pilates. FR PILATES HURT AS HECK when u're not stretchy, slim body girlie. Aku pilih gym🤩

Saint Lady · 9mo

Desc user ini dong. 🤥

My wo buddy, sofia coppola no #1 fan, i kinda smell you are well-organized lady. truly you giving me nothing but chills and softness. 🤍

Saint Lady · 4 answers · 9mo

Since we are boycotting Starb*cks, can anyone suggest me matcha powder that tastes exactly like that brand?

Bubs, first of all, sorry. I'm more coffee person but try Homelab since my friends who loves sb matcha starting to make her own said homelab tasted exactly the same as sb.

Lotta. · 10mo

Mie ayam atau bakso?

Marvin Alexander · 13 answers · 9mo

Any food suggestions for nighttime meals?

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

You think you're not capable of ...

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

olahraga terus yang dikejar apasie

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