Medina · 8 answers · 8mo

does anybody have any movie or series recommendations? (no horror or gore, please!)

Set It Up, The Devil Wears Prada, The Con Heartist, You & Me & Me. Kalo series Hospital Playlist. 😁

Currently into foreign & Indo movies, maybe La Haine (1995), Y Tu Mamá También (2001), 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya (2007), and City of God (2002).

Ini aja film seru yang keinget adalah oh my girl film Thailand. Lucunya beneran bikin ngakak ngga ketawa korporat.

I just finished Dailydose of Sunshine, its really good and i love the story line. Its a series by the way :]

I will always recommend Good Will Hunting, if you haven't watched it. Bottoms, if you want a comedy type of movie. Godless for the series, it's a really good mini-series of the wild West, but well, I'd say it's a bit gorey because of the shootings, and a few trigger warnings. The Magicians is also good, but again, check for trigger warnings.

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