dd🌺 · 12 answers · 11mo

How many typos do you do while you type?

Too many. Depends on how tired I am though. I try not to let people see most of my typos, so I correct many messages before sending.

A lot when I'm typing on my phone, because I think my fingers are bigger than the keys. I just took a typing test, and I made 3 typos in a minute on my laptop keyboard. So that's probably about average. It might be about 6 per minute for my phone then.

I do make a few, you can especially see them at the end of sentences on IM platforms because I send the message before my brain has the time to notice the typo and fix it. I'm usually pretty good at fixing typos without anyone else noticing though and you will still hear me hammering the keyboard fast so non-techy people still think I am some sort of wizard no matter how much I mess up

I make a lot, but I delete and retype them so no one knows(unless they happen at the end and I don't notice them)

it's not exactly typos, but saying the wrong thing or using words in the wrong order that's the problem.

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