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desea · 13 answers · 1y

The veil of anonimity brings out many deeper things in people

Do you think i am unaware of your identity? :3

h-hmmm ;w;
I'm slightly scared.
but yes at the price of my non-anonimity you get a more genuine me

I am positive that you, in particular, are blissfully unaware.

Incidentally, my dear 名無し達, you are often very transparent with your questions. I am just choosing not to expose you.

I didn't send anonymous questions to you personally so I guess for now you have always known when I sent them

Otherwise when it comes to guessing who I am behind this nickname, well I am aware that it is possible to go from this identity to my professional identity and find me IRL, and do the same in the opposite direction too, so it could technically be possible but I don't think you would have so much interest in me lol. I have other identities that are completely detached from this main one though.

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