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evelyne · 6 answers · 1y

let’s start over a new conversation! care to whisper me your recent favorite food? 🥡

Hi dd :3 My favorite food would be something soupy, I think? spicy too. dd apaa?

Bukan food lebih ke beverages sih, tapi sekarang ketagihan banget sama ice dolce-nya point coffee pake less sugar, asli enak parah.

It's my forever favorite food. Soto! I don't know how many times I've said this, but you need to explore each region serves this dish. Even in Central Java itself, you'll get so many variations of soto. I'm a forever soto boy nom nom.

i don't think i have any but- lagi sering makan apapun olahan telur akhir² ini! 😂 you?

meatballs are my favorite food all the time, idk why but this food makes me fall in love in every bite when i eat them, and i never get bored of eating meatballs.

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