
her presence is just like dewdrops, so calming yet fresh 🍀 + .*🫧

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Sammuel · 5 answers · 1mo

Do you think everything's gonna be alright?

i do. perhaps not now, but someday soon will be. it’s about time i believe. hope things are okay on your side!

Kenneth. · 10 answers · 2mo

hai, kalian lagi sibuk apa? boleh kan ya aku kepo kegiatan kalian?

hiluwww ken, thank you sudah mampir! boleh banget dong 🥺 currently still trying to balance work & life seperti orang dewasa lainnya sama ada kursus juga nih. how about you??

Shas · 7 answers · 3mo

hiiii coming here to give you a song to listen to!! today’s song recommendation from Leticia: Dept ft. Rangga Jones - All I Need!! 👯

M. · 9 answers · 3mo

What have been your greatest challenge and how you overcome it?

the moment i learned how to drive on my own? faced some obstacles but because i was keen on doing it, i made it at last >:D

M. · 8 answers · 3mo

What's your favorite things you do to get rid of boredom?

Dean · 3mo

Eyin soft banget temanya kek permen kapas

LUCU AMAT COTTON CANDY. makasih ean, padahal waktu itu editnya lumayan bingung! glad it turned out well 😼

Jase · 12 answers · 4mo

Which idol do you recommend me to roleplay other than Jeno Lee?

Shas · 13 answers · 4mo

menurut km, idol yang vibesnya kayak ningning siapa?

joy? like mother like daughter terus mungkin chiquita kalo dari segi personality

M. · 6 answers · 4mo

Top 3 things you wish you could do in April?

Jase · 9 answers · 5mo

Which ex would you ask to come with you if you are invited to join EXchange?

well, mantan waktu sd? dialah cinta monyetku itu and i think it’s possible knowing we’re still in good terms even until now

Jase · 11 answers · 5mo

Apa hal yang selama ini hal yang kalian merasa gak terlalu berharga tapi semakin berjalannya waktu kalian merasa kalau hal tersebut berharga?

sehat. bukan gak terlalu berharga sih, lebih ke waktu masih kecil percaya gak bakalan sesering itu sakit nantinya (padahal bolak balik rs berasa udah kayak rumah kedua). makin ke sini justru nyadar ternyata sehat itu mahal ya? terlebih orang di sekitarku berkali-kali harus rawat inap atau masuk igd jadi aku ngerasa itu salah satu hal yang tidak ternilai harganya 🥹

naomi. · 18 answers · 6mo

thoughts about nyomi? please feed my ego. 🥺♥️

a bubbly one. i found it exciting to see your presence whenever i open my account and i like the way you interact with your friends. you’re kind and the one type of friend everyone would love to have at least once in lifetime! and although we don’t talk often because i tend to detach at times, you’re still there with open arms. love yew 💟

Jase · 11 answers · 7mo

Tell me your opinion about Jase!

one funny guy for sure. also friendly and warm, no wonder people queued up to be your friend. i think you’re also a great advicer (despite the fact we haven’t talked that much recently due to my detaching behavior). terus apalagi, ya? you’re somehow so jeno coded because i see so many resemblances between you both

Jase · 7 answers · 7mo

Top 3 songs that make you feel like you are the main character of a movie

  1. o.o by nmixx
  2. queen of hearts by twice
  3. feel so right by isyana sarasvati, afgan, rendy pandugo
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