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the f00fy one · 14 answers · 12mo

Do you think I'm cool? Why?

Honestly, I think you're cool due to all the computer science knowledge (If I'm right) and I really find it fascinating how much you know

Well, yeah ofc. You're f00fy! We don't interact as much as we use to but from what I remember you're pretty chill and laid back.

I think you are cool because i like the name f00f. i also think you are cool for your interests. I just think you are my coolest mutual so far

Yes I do! You say a lot of interesting things, and I think we have interests in common (like...computers?) Plus, I may be autistic like you; I haven't been officially evaluated yet, but I would like to be someday. It seems like I attract autistic people and vice versa.

I don't know you well enough to say one way or the other definitively but you seem p cool so far :D

Do you like hololive if so Yes. If you don’t still yes because i love everyone

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