Arthur · 5 answers · 2y

What are your thoughts on Wikipedia?

It's a good idea fundamentally, but it's not perfect. The articles tend to be biased toward scientism and the establishment. For example you'd never expect to read the article on Aspartame and see anything than that it's completely safe, because corporations have a vested interest in how it's perceived. Also you'd never expect to see an article that verifies and validates something paranormal or parapsychological, despite such things happening all the time, because midwits would see such a thing as an embarrassment.

I am a big believer in what they do and have made small donations to them everytime they're actively crowdfunding. This is a pretty good video on how they got started and how they manage to keep up with operating costs:

It's fine for what it is, you just have to remember what it is - specifically that any asshole with any agenda can make edits

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