Arthur · 8 answers · 2y

What was the weirdest (not necessarily bad) thing that made you cry?

There was a Mother’s Day meet and greet at my son’s daycare and all the kids started singing “I love my mommy I love my mommy I love my mommy yes I do!” And every time they said “yes I do” my son would nod vigorously and look at me. 😢

I can’t remember why I said this, but i told students that I didn’t have a favorite that I appreciated each and every one of them and that they were all my “favorites” for different reasons. One student asked me why i appreciated her. I told her that was watching out for me (they know I have dietary restrictions) and she’s my little mama and is calling me out on stuff which I find hilarious and endearing. She started to cry which in turn made me cry.

Happy tears, Twitter take over. I wish reddit is next cz whenever I write something it's deleted cz it's not mainstream.

A female friend, who’d recently left her awful husband after ten years of marriage, told me she’d had sex FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SIX YEARS! (Really good sex too.) Tears of joy from me. In a bloody restaurant. I don’t know what’s happened to me…

That one episode of Futurama, Jurassic Bark where Fry went missing and his dog spent its entire life out in front of his building waiting for him to come home and he never did, why you gotta make me feel shit yo

in What Dreams May Come when Robin William's character descends to the depths of hell to psychologically save his wife, then after they get back, he succumbs, then his wife in turn saves him.

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