Arthur · 8 answers · 16d

A pastor from a Christian right-wing church said he kissed his own daughter just so her future boyfriend wouldn't be the first one to do so. Thoughts?

Wtaf, that's so messed up. I really really don't get the right-wing Christian groups at all. It has very little to even do with the roots of Christianity imo. That just sounds incestuous, practically - and there is a lot of sexual abuse in these right-wing groups. It has a lot more to do with power and toxic masculinity than religion, on the whole.

I have nothing against parents kissing there children. But this seems it was more like a snog? Than a peck on the lips. So weird and gross and creepy.

Wait aren't they supposed to want them to be 'pure'? That dude just looking for reasons to creep, really hope someone is looking out for that girl, like actually looking out for her

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