Arthur · 9 answers · 1mo

So my barber showed me that I'm starting to lose hair on the back of my head. Should I be worried?

My first thought was babies getting bald patches on the back of their heads because they spend so much time lying down and the hair literally gets worn away. Could that be happening to you, do you think?

Maybe schedule a physical and talk to your doctor? Hair loss can happen for various reasons.

Well, I guess you're going to get balder and balder. I have the impression women don't like baldness, but that could be more of a male perception/fear that women don't like baldness. I don't know how gay men feel about baldness. But in any case, if it gets bad enough, you can always just shave your head. That's what all the bald(ing) guys within dating age do.

Nah, it's probably male pattern baldness. I'm bald in the center of my head, so I have just been shaving my head every few weeks. :P

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