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Miya Ironami · 14 answers · 7mo

What do you think of the plastic bottles with caps attached that became mandatory in the European Union?

Hate them with a passion. Can't drink properly from them, can't properly pour anything from them into a glass. And people will tear them off anyway, it just takes more effort now. I could go on but it would just be expletives from this point on.

i don't think its a big deal. like regardless of the caps being attached to the bottles, its still plastic

If they are well made then its actually really useful since you dont have to hold the cap,

and when a group of people drink from the same bottle, theres no awkward waiting with the cap so that they can close it after

I like it

They break off super easily and never close back up correctly. I go out of my way to buy bottles that do not have those, or get any other kind of container like cans, and if I can't, I just give up.

I'm not European and the other replies seem to be based on first-hand experience so idk

Pain in the arse nose pushers. Some are even difficult to screw back on because it's forced to screw on at an angle...

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