Jean · 10 answers · 12mo

Do you read a lot? Whats your favorite book/manga/manhwa?

Nah I rarely read but I love books or novel. It's uh... harry potter is my all time favorite

Yes, I do read a lot. My favorite book for now is Katarsis by Anastasia Aemilia and The Poppy War by R.F Kuang.

I do read some books, most favorite book is Every words you cannot say by iain s thomas! Try to read it, it could heal your broken heart.

YES, I DO! my top three are 'Tanah Lada' by Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie, 'Persuasion' by Jane Austen, and 'Heaven' by Mieko Kawakami.

not really a bookworm but i love to to spend time for reading and i'm thrilled by mystery, rom-com, and fiction books :>

I don’t think so? I mostly read comic, TMI I collect Detective Conan and Hai Miiko comics! :3

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