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cyaa. · 16 answers · 9mo

what is your comfort food?

I have so many comfort foods lol. I guess my top 3 would be mie ayam, jasuke, and tiramisu!

aku mikir lama, baru inget SAYUR BAYEM! sayur bayem yang dibikin sama mamah, anget dan enak. karna gabisa dilamain jadi harus dimakan saat itu juga, saat anget anget. idk tapi vibes nya kayak makan sop rumput laut nya korea punya 😲

mm, i would say noodles? mie goreng! i love mie goreng more than anyhting. number two would be mie ayam! :3

i think it’s soto. i always find warmth and happiness in it. if i’m having a bad day, rather than chocolate or ice cream i would go for soto (real)

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