Khai · 11 answers · 1y

Do you guys have any book recs that written in English?

Between Shades of Gray by
Ruta Sepetys. It's about world war 2 so prepare yourself it might be uncomfortable to read

Mm, I'm not a big reader on books but I have been wanting to read Anna Karenina for so long. The movie was great enough for me to want the book as well.

ADAAA!! untuk sekarang aku lagi baca a gentle reminder, the sun and flowers, sama Alice's adventures in wonderland! :3

it depends! what genre that caught your attention? if romance, you should read the song of achilles.

Ransom Riggs's books! I absolutely love Miss Peregrine and the tale of the peculiar children.

Love For Imperfect Things! bonus ilustrasinya cantik banget, bikin fresh mata. 🖐🏻

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