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MistyRiver · 7 answers · 5y

What's a popular trait/characteristic people tend to expect or desire in a partner that you don't? For example, lots of folks need their partners to be funny, but I don't 👀

Yes, I hear that too, many women hope for a partner who is funny. But I think the girls want a partner to tell them funny jokes for entertainment while the boys just want the girls to laugh about their jokes, which is a subtle difference .....

Been thinking far too much on this question. Honestly you could have a disability and if you ticked my boxes I'd still be besotted for you. But maybe the best answer I can have, despite popular belief, I don't need a 'freak in the sheets'.

I don't really care about skinny girls, if a chubby girl wants to feed me waffles and tell me how handsome I am then I'm down


I guess I don't need my partner to necessarily have the same interests and tastes as me. some commonality is important as with any relationship (romantic or not), but I like dating people who have different interests, work in a different field (i.e., not in STEM at all), people who might have different ways of thinking. I feel like I learn more that way

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