Elljia Amore

Please be wise.

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N. · 6 answers · 12mo

suggest me a song to listen (band only), thank yew!

𐙚 · 13 answers · 12mo

if you could turn back time, what will you say to the person who hurt you?

“Think twice before saying something to people. If you want to get rid of them, do something that’s at least doesn’t hurt them forra long time. Please don’t do that ever again, you’ll never know how much the impact will happen to a person after you said that. You’ll never know how long your words will attach in their minds.”

Gio · 14 answers · 12mo

Any tips for mengurangi rasa gundah, gelisah or panik? 😥

𐙚 · 10 answers · 12mo

if you only had 1 day to live, what would you do?

cleyá · 13 answers · 12mo

kalian for daily use pake cushion apa?

cleyá · 12mo

morning bella! mind if i follow you? im new with retrospring and i saw u drop your link on ssefnum, so i thought maybe we can be friends? if you don't mind tho. sorry for asking this out of nowhere but have a good monday!

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

rate this song from 1-10 https://youtu.be/OKe1RJWvq7U

Mmm prolly 5/10 for now?? Soalnya baru pertama kali denger & gak terlalu masuk di dalam music taste aku. But i’ll try to listen more nanti. Thank you for the song, sender!!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Happy Birthday, Bella. Im so proud of you for hanging on until now, until your 17th birthday. Hope that your special day is as good as you are to the others. Also, i wanna confess that i secretly have a crush on you. But i’ll confess directly when i feel brave enough. Thank you for making me feel butterflies in my stomach, and im so grateful for your existence. Again, thank you so much for your existence, and Happy Birthday, Bella.

HI SENDER!! Im really sorry for the late reply. Thank you for your words ya sender.. semoga berbalik juga ke kamu. Thank you so much for having a crush on me, sender T—T malu banget aduh. I’ll wait for you to show up yaa, see you sender!!. Thank you so much sender, i really mean it. I hope u had a great day every single day. 🤍🤍🤍

Vié · 15 answers · 1y

HAIIII! This is the first time I greet you by asking how you are doing. how are you guys? everything is fine??

Thank you for asking. Everything’s been going fine lately, tapi gatau nanti di masa depan gmn.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

kalau aku harus bub kamu, kamu marah nggak?

Nggak lah, ngapain. Itu hak kamu mau bub aku atau nggak. Kalau kamu merasa kamu lebih safe saat ngebub aku, ya silahkan.

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