Teo · 9 answers · 4y

What's something you did/do well for your age?

I can't think of anything I do well even for other people's ages

In 2018 I held the door open for someone and she made a big ass deal about it. "They don't have young people like this anymore. Very good." 'Very good'? Am I a dog? And as if no one under 50 will hold a door for you? That's obviously not true, a lot of the people from my generation are so anxious that we'll stand there holding a door open for strangers for 14 minutes, while every dude that goes in it gives the stink eye. So anyway, I hold doors well for my age, or at least in the opinion of a deluded middle-aged lady with a turkey pan.

Everything. I’m a bad-ass. Kidding. Well, in order for me to answer that I’d have to know what people my age are preconceived to not be good at, and I’m not sure what those things are. Walking up a flight of stairs w/o getting winded?

Remember that I am already 34 and therefore behave more mature, although I still feel like 18/19.

The only thing I can think of that has specifically to do with age is when I was in junior high I took the PSAT and my reading was college level.

Hey .. I'm beyond 5 years old, I refrain from building castles made with pee wet sand!

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